Fashion Brand - Online Store

We Are Very Proud Of 47% Growth In Monthly Sales Compared To previous year.

The Problem

Low conversion rates on the site, as well as declining earnings generated from the website while competitors showed a better ROI.

Our Influence

We conducted an in-depth analysis of the brand and the relevant consumer age group. With a better understanding of demographic interests we created a target audience. The collaborating data showed that the best way to reach a better CTR and ROI is to employ an influencer that is recognized by the age group and that can market to their core interests

We contracted an online viral influencer to lead the platforms campaign on various social outlets such as Instagram and TikTok. We followed this by creating an automatic micro targeting of relevant audiences on the web and in game banner ads.

The result

Complete overall change for the brand. An Increased of 47% in monthly sales compared to last year during the same period and a significant improvement in site conversion rate.

Increased in monthly sales compared to previous year
Improvement in site conversion rate

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